Victoria Suppan art design tattoo

Art, illustration and tattoo by Swiss artist Victoria Suppan

Japan Cosplay : first convention!

exhibition, the journey, conventionsVictoria SuppanComment

A great success

De retour des Automnales où j'avais une table avec Louvie Haller et Iris Aleit dans l'Allée des Artistes durant le Japan Cosplay.
Un grand MERCI à tous les visiteurs qui sont venus nombreux pour admirer les cosplayers et les oeuvres exposées dans le hall. Vous nous avez soutenus dans nos activités artistiques en achetant nos créations... c'est émouvant de se sentir apprécié pour les oeuvres que nous créons...
Ce fut l'occasion de passer des bons moments à discuter, à rencontrer d'autres artistes et à encourager des jeunes dans leur démarche créative. 


Iris, Victoria and Louvie

Concentration!!! - photo from the Automnales website


MERCI aussi aux organisateurs qui ont su rendre la participation très agréable, facile d'accès et sans prise de tête! Nous avons grandement apprécié et recommandons les événements Epicon!

Two of my original skull drawings where sold this weekend!

Two of my original skull drawings where sold this weekend!


Je me réjouis déjà de remettre ça! 

I'm looking forward to next time! 

Events 2017

exhibition, the journeyVictoria SuppanComment

(English below)
Les prochains mois seront riches en événements et je suis heureuse de pouvoir vous annoncer ma participation à plusieurs expositions, collectives et solo.
Mon projet personnel s'intitule désormais "Signes de Vie", rappel que le début d'un parcours est souvent modeste, et c'est donc sous ce titre que je continue actuellement mes créations.

Du 14 au 18 septembre, Le Porte-Rêves sera présent au stand de micro-éditeurs de BDFil à Lausanne. Six de mes travaux récents ont été publiés dans ce premier numéro.
Je serai présente le dimanche 17 et le lundi 18.

Le samedi 30 septembre, finissage de l'expo collective CORPS / MOUVEMENT du Dahu Lacustre, dès 18h au Lokart à Neuchâtel.

Du 1er octobre au 5 novembre, expo collective "Cats" avec l'association Alveoh, à G&J's Art Gallery de Montreux.
Vernissage le dimanche 1er octobre dès 14h.

Du 5 octobre au 14 décembre, expo solo "Signs of Life" and more, au Chauffage Compris à Neuchâtel.
Vernissage le jeudi 5 octobre, de 17 à 19h.

Le 18 et 19 novembre, je serai aux Automnales de Genève, dans le Japan Cosplay, en compagnie de mes amies artistes, Louvie Haller et Iris Aleit.

Je suis invitée à participer à la 11ème édition de Art Incognito, et l'exposition se tiendra du 26 novembre au 14 janvier 2018, au Café du Soleil à Saignelégier.
Vernissage le dimanche 26 novembre dès 11h.

Cette fin d'année est la période la plus intense d'un point de vue artistique depuis que j'ai pris la décision de prendre le chemin d'une activité artistique indépendante, il y a de ça trois ans. 
C'est une belle récompense que de voir le fruit de ce travail présenté au public.
Merci de votre soutien!

Si vous souhaitez rester au courant de mes activités artistiques, il suffit de vous inscrire à ma Newsletter.

Bon mois de septembre!

English version
The coming months are going to be busy with events and I am so happy to announce that I am taking part in several exhibitions in Switzerland, group shows and solo.
My personal project has now been given the title "Signs of Life" , celebrating humble beginings and it is under this name that I wil keep on creating art for the time being.

This coming weekend, September 14th - 18th, Le Porte-Rêves will have a table in the micro-edition hall during BDFil in Lausanne. Six of my recent artworks have been published in this first issue.
I will be present Sunday 17th and Monday 18th.

Saturday September 30th, closing celebration for our group show CORPS /MOUVEMENT with the Dahu Lacustre, from 6pm at the Lokart, Neuchâtel.

From October 1st until November 5th, group show "Cats" with the Alveoh collective at G&J's Art Gallery in Montreux.
Opening on Sunday, October 1st from 2pm.

From October 5th until December 14th, solo show "Signs of Life" and more, at the Chauffage Compris in Neuchâtel.
Opening on Thursday, October 5th, 5-7pm.

November 18th and 19th I will have a table during le Automnales de Genève, in the Japan Cosplay, with my two artist friends Louvie Haller and Iris Aleit.

To finish off the year, I am invited to take part in the 11th edition of Art Incognito, the show will be held from November 26th until January 14th at the Café du Soleil in Saignelégier.
Opening on Sunday, November 26th, from 11am.

From an artistic standpoint this end of year is the busiest yet since I started on the path to develop an independant art career 3 years ago.
It is a great reward, and a humbling experience, to be presenting my artwork to the public.
Thank you for your support!

If you wish to be kept up to date with my artisitic activities, just sign up for the Newsletter.

All best for September!


Published in Le Porte-Rêves!

publication, exhibition, the journeyVictoria Suppan1 Comment

I am proud to announce a selection of my work has been published in the first edition of
Le Porte-Rêves.
You can check out the free online version here :

The newly printed version will be available at the Delémont BD festival (9th-11th June 2017). I will be present during the event, on Friday and Sunday. Some of the original pieces will be on show.

Many thanks to Krum for bringing this project into reality, and for including me in the adventure.


Le Porte-Rêves

N°1 / 2017

already 2017...

video, the journeyVictoria SuppanComment

Hey! It's already the end of January 2017!
Doesn't time fly?
I have to admit I have not been up to scratch with my blog posts. Last one was in November. 
So before the month is out, I had to write a post and make sure I post at least once a month here.
Another commitment. Seems like the whole beginning of each year is nothing but new commitments. Does it feel like that to you too?
To keep you up to date with the previous post, NO, my work was not selected for Muddy Colors Rising Stars, nor for IBA5... It was a bit disappointing, but I can clearly see that I'm not "there" yet.
The selected pieces of both events are just so many notches above what I presented... No choice but to knuckle down and work, learn, persevere. 

On another subject I have just created a Twitch account. You can now see me working live in my studio. Do join me if you want to see the work in progress on the latest pieces!
Here is a piece I've been working on today


Team symbol "Gingko" for a board-game project

Muddy Colors Rising Star 2016 Submissions

challenge, the journeyVictoria SuppanComment

The wonderfully inspiring blog Muddy Colors has recently posted a call for entries for the Rising Stars 2016
Three emerging artists will be chosen to show their work at the next SFAL in Kansas City.
Well, that is a great opportunity and I decided to try to finish a piece that would (hopefully) stand out and be of better quality than anything I had done up until now. Challenging.
After many thumbnails, sketches, composition tweaks, choice of medium (I am planing a longer post on the creation process of this piece) I came up this.
For me, this is a bit of a breakthrough piece as it is the first for a story I am working on and in a very challenging style.
But no colour - I am still not comfortable with colour...

The submission deadline is on November 31st and the participants are asked to send in three "different works that you think represent you as an artist".
I added these two older pieces that I find to fit with the style of the main piece.

Thanks for taking a look at my post. I will keep you updated on results of the call for entries.

If you would like to contribute to Muddy Colors and get access to the amazing art demos they are doing once a month, you can check out their Patreon page.


Story of a project : motorbike portrait

the journeyVictoria SuppanComment

Last week end I went to the open day of King Kustom Bikes, the local American Bike specialist garage and just fell in love with a 48 Harley-Davidson in the showroom.
I returned during the week and spent 4 hours doing a detailed observation drawing - always good practice.

Pencil sketch of the 48

Went out the next day to pick up a canvas at the art supply store. Settled for a 120 x 80 cm canvas, the largest size i have ever painted in this manner. Orange background, felt obvious.

Burnt orange background with first layer of white

Using my sketch and some photo reference as a base, I stenciled an outline drawing onto the rough layer of burnt orange ground. Then it's just a matter of filling in the shapes with the right shade of black.

First black elements

More black...

and a bit more black... 

Nearly all the larger shapes are done - working on some details now too

Only a bit of shading left to do!

Doesn't it look like you could go for a ride on it? 

This painting now sits beside the actual bike in the showroom at King Kustom Bikes. So proud they accepted to show my work.
Thank you guys! hope to do more of these portraits!

Walking and sketching : Charmey, La Monse

the journey, sketchingVictoria SuppanComment

Sunday morning was perfect for a walk with a sketchpad and paints in the mountains. I chose a familiar spot, a path know since childhood : La Monse

I sat under a spruce and set out my paints for a view of one of the farmhouses. Half an hour was enough for this piece.

Passing along the gravel road i stopped to sketch the little chapel (Chapelle de La Monse). Challenging perspective, but it looks ok. Touched up some details at home.

The mountains are so peaceful and rich in inspiration - i feel really lucky to have them at my door!

Deadline fail

challenge, the journeyVictoria SuppanComment

I finished a painting on Friday after a week spent up in the mountains (without internet distractions) specially to finish the piece: frog monster slayer for the Game Challenge 2016.
I was so happy to post him finally as my final submission when i realized that the deadline was not the 25th, but the 21st... Not a few hours... DAYS away! Not even worth contacting the organizers claiming internet fail. 
How does it make me feel? Just plain stupid... for not having double checked the date, for not having put a reminder in my calendar... And for having put so many hours into a challenge project only to miss the final submission.

On the bright side, i did actually keep the deadline, even if it was the wrong one. I did do a good job with this piece and learned a lot from the work i put in. It was "only" a personal project, so no impact on a customer, and no money lost.
And I definitely learned a lesson: always double check and write down deadlines for projects!

Any one else care to share their Deadline Fail?